Thursday, January 9, 2014

New Beginnings.....

2014.......Not just a new year, with new resolutions, new goals and new chances to "get it right".  THIS year, I have a new granddaughter!  Meet Willow Fae!  Born one month ago today, she is our first grand child and we couldn't be more excited!  Being a Farm Girl in spirit, I'm always planning ahead and one thing I am doing for the future, for Willow, is journaling.  Every day, since the day Willow was born, I have been writing out handwritten letters to her.  The idea is that on her first birthday, she will receive the first year journal of her life, and every birthday thereafter.  When she celebrates her 18th birthday, she will have 18 journals filled with letters from everyday of her 18 years of life, from her grandmother.  Keeping in that "think ahead spirit", I've already purchased enough journals for the first 5 years of her life!  I tell her about the weather, visits that her grandpa and I have had with her, how she lifts her head to look at me when I'm holding her and how she and I like to have "talks."  I don't want time to pass by too quickly, but I'm already looking forward to all the fun things we will do together.....baking, gardening, crafts, fishing, trips to the park and the zoo and museums and sleep overs.  I've even made a secret promise to teach her every 80's song and dance I know....that ought to drive her father crazy!  So here is to new beginnings and a wonderful 2014!

Sunday, January 5, 2014

Hey Farm Girls....
We are chillin' here on the farm, waiting out the weather and dreaming of spring. Looking forward to turning over the ground and getting that spring garden out. I can taste the tomatoes now...mmm. I am looking for a good salsa recipe, we go through lots of salsa around here. Low calorie and good for you too. I am not a fan of cilantro so some of the salsa's from the store just don't do it for me. Do you have a favorite recipe you would care to share? I know...I am thinking way to far ahead, but one can dream can't they?

Monday, August 26, 2013

We've changed our Name

Dear Friends,
          It has been brought to my attention that The Farm Chicks, Inc. has some concerns that this BlogSpot is meant to gain from, or benefit from their trademarked name. I apologize for any misunderstanding. This blog spot was developed by 5 friends that simply hoped to encourage like minded women to relish in this wonderful, farm fed lifestyle. We plan to keep our blog spot, but with a name change. We will now be Farm Girls on the Loose Gazette. I hope you will continue to visit us.

Monday, January 7, 2013

Merry (belated) Christmas and happy new year to you all!!!!  It's been a busy season around here with the holidays and such and now I find myself with a few spare minutes and a desire to blog about my sweet little garden addition from this summer....ain't she a beautiful thing?  Outside it's cold and snowy and not at all garden type weather but inside my head it's a warm summer day so I thought I'd share my latest creation and maybe inspire some of you to plan one for your garden next summer.  It all started with a deep desire want need for fresh and yummy tomatoes and it ended with this little raised and fenced garden bed.  My beloved chickens (or "dirls" as they are also referred to as)  also had a hankerin' for fresh tomatoes so in order for us all to get along and play nice together, I felt it only best to protect my tomatoes from the ever curious and hungry flock!  It's a tight squeeze with just enough room to get in for weeding and harvesting but it's also just too cute for words and I couldn't be happier with it. The chickens, however, were not so happy with it...but they forgave me after I promised to share some of the yummy goodness from within!  Not bad for a pile of "rejected" fencing and scrap wood, eh?   Happy gardening friends!!

Monday, November 26, 2012

Hello lady Farm Chicks, just wondering what kind of projects you have lined up to fill the winter days? This morning was foggy and just so pretty I couldn't resist a few pictures before I set off to finish up a few last minute details before the weather got bad. I took advantage of this unusually nice November weather to finish up one more chore that had to be done to prepare for next spring.The pen where my  chickens and ducks stay has not been touched in a couple of years and I started thinking about it and's space I could be using. I think this year I will try my hand at growing pumpkins to have for our Fall show here at the Briar Patch. I've had good luck with pumpkins before, but realizing that this ground is pretty poor, I decided to help it along a little. Now, I try not to use my tiller very much anymore, since I started using the Back to Eden gardening method, it hasn't really been necessary. But this ground is hard and mostly clay and it just isn't going to be a good garden unless I make it one. So, off I went with my tiller, a big monster called "the earthquake",I learned early on why they call it that..this thing will shake your teeth right out of your head. But being the brave and strong Farm Chick I am, I forged ahead. Tilling the ground up, raking up all the grass tuffs I unearthed and raking it smooth made a big difference right away. Then I hauled many wheelbarrels full of well composted horse manure out there and spread it on top. Just like frosting a cake. Now don't make that face...well composted manure doesn't have any smell and is not the least bit icky. After that, my work is mostly done, except now I will save all my kitchen scraps (veggie's, nothing with fat), peels, skins and old stale crackers and such, and I will bury them up until the ground freezes. After that, the chickens will do the work for me. If the ground is too frozen to dig into, I'll just toss the scraps on top. They'll have a great time pecking and scratching all those scraps into the earth and make my ground wonderful! So, one more thing crossed off my list, and another garden will be waiting for me come spring. in the garden. I would love to hear what you have going on, waiting for spring....

Tuesday, November 6, 2012

Happy November everyone!!   Do you know what time it is?   It's Pack a Shoe Box time for Samaritan's Purse!!!  Have you packed your shoe box yet?  What's that?  You don't know what Samaritan's Purse is?  Well, now's a good time to find out 'cuz there's still time left to get your boxes packed up!
 Follow this link to find out all of the details about Samaritan's Purse and Operation Christmas Child    And then get to packing!!!

This lovely pile is just the tip of the iceberg for us.  My family and I spend the whole year picking up little goodies here and there so that when it's time to pack our boxes, we've got plenty to choose from.  After Christmas sales, back to school sales, clearance items, buy one get one free name it and we're on it to get our shoe box 'fillings'.    I can hear you now..."we can't afford to do that"...."doesn't it cost a lot to buy all of that stuff?"....and "I just don't have time"....Well, I'm here to tell ya that you  can  afford to do and it doesn't  have to cost a lot of money and you really do have the time.  If you have time to shop for groceries, then you have time to shop for your shoe boxes.  Five extra minutes squeezed into your shopping trip to go through the clearance isles is all it takes as far as time goes...and as for the cost....well....that's what sales are for.  At a wonderful back to school sale recently we got 6 boxes of 24 count Crayola crayons for $.39 each....6 boxes for less than $3!!!  And the shoe boxes themselves were purchased on clearance...for a whopping $.50 each!  It's not only fun to do shop for these boxes but it's a wonderful way to teach generosity (and bargain hunting) to the kids!  It's been so fun to see them embrace this project and to watch them come up with great things to put into the boxes.  We've made it our personal mission to find the best deals on our stuff so we can fill more shoe boxes than in previous's like a game!

 This year we shared our "bounty" with my youth group girls and we packed 13 boxes.  The girls each wrote a special note to put into their boxes and we prayed over the boxes and their future recipients. It was a great time to bond together for a common good and to just hang out and be blessed by one another.  
We farm chicks also got together and packed some boxes...and then we decided to shop and pack some more!  It's such a worth while cause and so very fun to do.....try it and you'll see.....filling shoe boxes for Operation Christmas Child is a blessing for the child but also for you.

Friday, September 21, 2012

Farm Chicks New Bodyguard

Oh yes, my friends...Meet Gus. Gustav Amadas to be exact, but we call him Gus. Don't let the cute cock of his head and that one floppy ear fool you...he's a killer! Well, maybe killer is a strong word. Anyway, Gus is here to protect us Farm Chicks as we toil on this farmland, thick with critters that mean to do us harm. Well...ok, the ducks probably won't hurt us, and uh Baby the cow, well she's not really much of a threat..ok, so Gus is maybe just for fun. Farm Chicks need fun too don't they??
I look forward to an early morning meeting with our sister chicks, I can't wait to hear about all they've been doing. So much sewing, cooking and crafting, so much to catch up on.So it's been a while since our last post, summer has been busy and fall is upon us now. Cool nights and crisp mornings call for some autumn scented candles and warm cocoa. The tomatoe juice is in the pantry, thanks to a wonderful bounty of those red, juicy little wonders of nature. I hope you have had the chance to make a pot of fresh from the garden green beans mmmmmm good! Come on Farm Girls, break out those aprons, put a big pot on the stove and show us what you can do.